Look for more info within the week on the first painted run of Bodhisattva Alavakas painted by Hellopike. Teaser pic below.
The first official painted release of the new Bodhisattva Alavaka will be happening on May 2nd in the DHP webshop. Each set has been done by Hellopike and comes with a painted version of the new Bodhisattva head, classic Alavaka head, prayer beads and scroll. Priced at $60.00 each pray to the gods you get one hahahaha!
The first official painted release of the new Bodhisattva Alavaka will be happening on May 2nd in the DHP webshop. Each set has been done by Hellopike and comes with a painted version of the new Bodhisattva head, classic Alavaka head, prayer beads and scroll. Priced at $60.00 each pray to the gods you get one hahahaha!